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Challenging Core Beliefs to Boost Happiness

Microlearning on Challenging Core Beliefs to Boost Happiness
  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration:  15 minutes
  • Author: ACE Academy
  • Learners: 95+

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  • Unique learning paths

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  • Video conferencing

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Lizeth Santamaria

Lizeth Santamaria established Discover Your Power to pursue her purpose in life. Through coaching, motivational speaking, lupus and wellness advocacy services, Discover Your Power aims to help and empower people. Lizeth is an experienced professional and consultant with over 10 years of leadership and human resources experience who focuses on motivational speaking, coaching, and training in the following areas: living life with lupus, wellness for women, career transitions, leadership development, empowerment, and coaching. Lizeth is a Lupus Advocate for the Lupus Foundation of America and also became a Certified John C. Maxwell Speaker, Coach and Teacher. These opportunities enabled her to help people even further with Discover Your Power. Lizeth lives happily in Orlando, FL and enjoys spending her time with her family and friends, while living a fun and active lifestyle. She is passionate about helping people make progress towards changing their lives and inspiring them to feel empowered to take steps to create the life they want!